
About the Logo

About the Logo

The logos prominently features the Himalayan range, showcasing the world’s highest peak, Sagaramatha (also known as Mount Everest), at the top. Just below that, at the center, it showcases the exquisite Himalayan red flower rhododendron that serves as the national flower of Nepal. Moving to the middle part of the logo, on the left-hand side, there is a photo of the Pasupati temple, while on the right-hand side, there is an image of Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Additionally, the logo represents the majestic and sacred Kāligaṇḍakī  river, flowing from glaciers of the Himalaya. Next, there is a round-shaped symbol depicting the Salagrama Sila, which is rare stone found in the Kāligaṇḍakī . This symbol holds significant dharmic value for Hindus, representing Lord Viṣṇu in a non-anthropomorphic form. At the base, the logo depicts an illustration of Sanskrit manuscripts – a reference to the fact that many of the old and precious manuscripts survived in Nepal.
